Athlete’s Dual Career

Throughout a long career in elite sports, an athlete may pursue a dual career by combining their athletic pursuits with studies or work. At the end of their professional sports career, we provide comprehensive support to help athletes transition to their next career.

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During the peak phase, an athlete’s dual career needs to support success in sports

After completing their upper secondary level education, athletes pursue a dual career by combining sport with studies or work. While some athletes may achieve their best results by focusing solely on professional sports, others find that combining sport with study or work can lead to greater success.

An athlete’s dual career can take many forms during a professional sports career, depending on the demands and opportunities of a specific sport. As adults, athletes have the expertise, capabilities, and know-how to manage their dual career effectively.

Athlete's Dual Career infograph

A professional sports career needs to support a managed career transition

Career transition is when an athlete stops goal-oriented sports and moves on to the next career stage. A professional sports career is always an investment in skills development. The skills, experience and knowledge acquired during a sports career are helpful in studies and work. In addition, the networks and relationships an athlete has created are also valuable assets in building the next career.

Oskari Mörö and Hannu Hämäläinen
Oskari Mörö and Hannu Hämäläinen